
Monday, April 26, 2010

It’s a great day 

By Buro, my bro

I was driving home, and I saw a cop pulling someone over.
he might have been doing 50 in a 35 zone,
and I said to myself……
you know what….
thats such an awful shame because its just a great day.

I was out walking with Socrates and Plato
and a two minute walk turned into a twenty minute walk,
because it was warm and sunny and pleasant.
I just wanted to meet everybody.
Plato wanted to meet everybody.

I bought three dozen socks a few days ago
And they are mostly all gone.
I just don’t want to fight anyone….
my dentist drilling my teeth….
I don’t want to know which one or why…
Plato burying my socks in the flower pots in the balcony
I don’t want to know how many or where…
Iza scratching the couch while I type…
I don’t want to know what the damage is
Or get up and tell her to stop.

Socs set the tone for the day.
He is the smartest one I’ve ever met.
If he decides on something,
I don’t argue.
Which way to walk,
when to break free,
when to bark,
when to claim a 12 inch sandwich.
he’s always right.
This morning he decided that it wasn’t worth his time to walk outdoors, to pee.
It was important to sleep in.
Because he realized at the crack of dawn that
it was a great day.
And it is.

The first time I saw him,
I like to believe that he looked at me
and said what a mess you are….
I can tell
You wouldn’t even know a perfect day if it lay right at your feet
So much work to do.
And he rolled over
And looked me in the eye
And said maybe,
maybe in a couple of years….

All of this is Charlie’s fault.
And mine.
I’ll read a book and understand it
in a flash
three years later
or listen to a song and hear the words
six months later
or workout for a few months
and pop a baby potato muscle
a couple of years later.

“But we're never gonna survive unless... We get a little crazy.”

So all I have to report is that
Everyone is asleep.
Plato’s face is covered in mud,
Sean is lovesick,
Iza is hiding under the table just in case,
just in case Plato attacks.
Socs is lying motionless in bed.
I got my butt whooped in a cricket video game.
I should have picked Australia
instead of the damned Brits.

And theres so much work to do
but thank god I have my priorities straight.
I have my eye on a pack of frozen hot dogs
In a corner of the refrigerator.
I want to get Henry Finn Firefox all worked up
from outside the screen door
with this stunt I have been working on
in my head,
It just might work.
I want to surf netflix for a free movie,
I want to take a long shower after
speed surfing the golf course
with Plato at the wheels,
because it’s a great day.

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